MELWA Group of companies, created to manage raw material acquisition

In the pursuit of operational excellence and to fulfill the Sri Lankan market’s requirements with high quality products, MELWA has built a robust supply chain that spans across various countries. As a strict policy, MELWA only deals with reputable global manufacturers to ensure that customers receive high quality products with transparent traceability in order to maintain the image of a responsible and committed manufacturer.
‘MELWA International’ is a 100% fully owned licensed subsidiary of the MELWA Group of companies, created to manage raw material acquisition, export sales and the complex international logistical operation. Registered in Singapore, ‘MELWA International’ constantly studies global markets in order to source raw materials at competitive prices at the opportune times. Singapore’s reputation for being a hub for transnational businesses allows ‘MELWA International’ to utilize the credibility provided by Singapore’s financial institutions to facilitate MELWA’s global supply chain. ‘MELWA International’ on average handles nearly half a million metric tons of physical goods annually in imports and exports with an estimated value of exceeding 400 million dollars to fuel the various manufacturing divisions under the MELWA group’s growing product portfolio. MELWA Steel is the largest contributor to the group’s logistical load, contributing to approximately 65% of the group’s import and export traffic, with the Galvanized Iron and Pharmaceutical divisions making up most of the remainder.
The MELWA Group constantly has novel projects in the pipeline aiming to pursue a expansion strategy of vertical and horizontal integration, ‘MELWA International represents an important functional node in the vertically integrated MELWA supply chain. With the group’s expansion into other manufacturing sectors, the need for a resilient supply chain only continues to grow and with it the role of ‘MELWA International”.